Jeanell Greene

Your Extraordinary Life, Family, and Legacy Start Here


Master the art of living authentically and leaving a meaningful legacy for your family.

Imagine being the person your family looks up to – not just for your success, but for the love, wisdom, and strength you bring to every moment. Together, we’ll create a life that not only fulfills your ambitions, but builds a legacy your family will be proud to emulate.


Jeanell Greene

Life and
Relationship Coach

You Deserve the Life and Love You Want

Hi! I’m Jeanell! If you’re here, it’s because you want and deserve MORE. Whether your marriage feels broken, or you’ve lost your sense of self, I want you to know one thing: change is possible, and it starts with the courage to ask for what you want.

Why Coaching Works 
Coaching is about moving forward, not getting stuck in the past. While therapy often looks backward, coaching helps you set new goals, create a clear vision, and take action toward your future. It’s productive, empowering, and fun.

Your Extraordinary Life Awaits
Living an extraordinary life isn’t for the “lucky”. It’s for those willing to ask for it. You have everything it takes to create the life and relationships you deserve. Let me help you get there.

Your Marriage Can Be Saved
Even if your marriage is hanging by a thread, or infidelity has torn it apart, there is hope. I’ve helped couples rebuild stronger, deeper connections when it seemed impossible. You can have a marriage filled with love and trust again. You just have to be willing to take that first step.

Reclaim Your Life
If you’re at a crossroads in life, unsure of who you are or where you’re going, you’re not alone. It’s time to focus on YOU. Let’s find your passion, purpose, and the life that feels authentically yours.

Your New Future Starts Here
If you’re ready to leave the past behind and create a new possibility for your life or relationship, I’m here. You don’t need to have it all figured out; just the courage to begin. Together, we will make miracles happen.

My Mission

What My Clients Say

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What I Offer


The Power of Coaching: Unlock Your Best Life 
As your life and relationship coach, I help you break free from emotional blocks, heal old wounds, and step into the confidence, joy, and freedom you deserve. 
Coaching is about results and moving forward by causing radical mental and emotional shifts, creating an opening for real change, and empowering you to live the life you were always meant to fulfill. Let’s partner together to make it happen with power, freedom, and confidence!

SCHEDULE your 1-hour Strategy Session TODAY!

Ready to make drastic changes in your life, but don’t want to do it alone and keep stumbling in the dark? 

Book your first session with me and start your journey to a better and happier YOU! 

Not ready to book a session?
No problem!

Book your 15-min Meet and Greet call with me today so we can connect and determine if we are a perfect match! Bring your questions!


Personal Coaching is a fun, powerful, and effective way to creating a life you love. There are many elements to coaching including:

  1. Getting clarity on what you want and need to be happy.
  2. Creating meaningful goals and outcomes that elevate your confidence
  3. Learning new techniques and tools that will help you manage negative emotions that hold you back
  4. Identifying the fears, old beliefs, and even childhood trauma that block you from experiencing love and peace.
  5. Discovering your ‘blindspots’ that keep you trapped in your old thoughts, emotions, and behaviour
  6. Identifying your values and discovering your authentic self so that you can experience more self-compassion, forgiveness, and freedom.
  7. Having a safe space to talk about what’s on your mind without judgment while bringing in curiousity and discernment to the discussion so frustration, guilt, regret, and shame disappear.
  8. Training yourself to think, behave, and feel differently and see the world through new eyes that bring about power, freedom, and peace. 
  • Are you tired of living a mediocre life full of struggle, stress, frustration, and fear, and ready to grow and change?
  • Are you open and ready to learn new ways of being and become a better version of yourself?
  • Are you willing to forgive yourself and others, and let go of the past, and move forward with ease and grace?
  • Are you ready to give up your feelings of disappointment, resentment, and blame, and work to find joy again?
  • Are you ready to take full responsibility for how your life has been going this far, and ready to address all the fear, guilt/shame, and blindspots that have been keeping you stuck?
  • Are you willing to do the work and commit the time and energy to creating the life and love you want?

If you answered YES, then you are ready to take the next steps by setting up a consultation to find out if I am the right partner for you.

I think it’s important to ensure that our values align to ensure the best possible outcome. I believe that:

  1. Coaching is absent of morality. In other words, it’s not about what’s good/bad, right/wrong, who’s fault it is, etc. It is about reclaiming your power and creating a future that is in alignment with your values and who you want to become. Blame gets you nowhere. People make mistakes. We are all human, after all. Mistakes require correction, not punishment. 

  2. The focus is on what you want rather than what you DON’T want. Most people are unhappy because they waste so much energy resisting the things they don’t want and so naturally, they get more of that.

  3. There is nothing wrong with you. You (or your partner) are not broken. You are human and the sum of all your experiences. Those experiences have made you who you are, and in that journey, have built up defense mechanisms that have done well to keep you safe and protected. The problem is that fear is the opposite of love and will never make you happy. You now need to learn how to find balance, emotional discipline, and learn to lean into the fear so it loses its power. 

  4. Anyone can change. It’s not your fault that you feel stuck and have struggled in making the changes you’ve wanted to make. We only know what we know, and the solution is outside of that; it exists in the unknown and in your ‘blindspot’ which we will discover together 

  5. There is so much power in honest vulnerability. It is not something to be feared or avoided. When we can set our ego aside and be honest with ourselves, huge shifts and miracles can occur.

  6. There is ALWAYS hope as long as the commitment and humility are there.

  7. Note: I am a Catholic/Christian, however, I am able to adjust to my clients own belief system and it all works. I also work those who are aetheists and those who are spiritual but not religious.

I coach couples on how to save and heal their marriage and be happy with the one they are with. I do this by helping them get in touch with what they truly want, their expectations, the resentment, and what is causing the pain and suffering that keeps them feeling disconnected and alone. 

Most of the time, couples see immediate results, often occurring in the first or secondd session.

Just like a sports coach, I look at the ‘performance’ to assess what is missing so that you can build and create the kind of life and marriage you truly desire, identify all the things that are in the way of that intention, and hold you responsible for the results you have in a loving, empowering, and compassionate manner. 

You are both human and come with a past filled with heartbreak, neglect, and disappointment. Oftentimes, it’s just about learning ways to communicate when you aren’t speaking the same language.

I offer a hybrid approach where I meet with both people privately, as well as a together as a couple. This allows us to move through the spaces easily, quickly, and with little minimal friction.

Therapy focuses on mental health while coaching focuses on achieving your goals. While coaching is action and solutions-oriented, therapy is insight-oriented.

Therapists treat mental illness while coaches do not. These include depression, major anxiety, trauma, addictions, PTSD, etc. Because of this, they are covered under insurance. Coaching is not covered because the focus is not on treating an illness.

While the focus in psychotherapy is more on healing from the past, coaching is more focused on helping you achieve your future goals, creating new habits, taking new actions, and creating a life and marriage that you love. 

Coaching helps make that a reality, usually by letting go of old stories, grudges, and above all, practicing forgiveness. 

We also do trauma work together to address old beliefs, fears, and traumatic experiences that have been holding you back from truly experiencing trust, intimacy, and safety.

The above differences are generalizations and do not apply to all psychotherapists and coaches. In reality, the differences between two psychotherapists or two coaches may be greater than the difference between a coach and a psychotherapist, depending on who they are.

Therapists treat mental illness while coaches do not. If you suffer from any of the following, coaching may not be for you, and it may be better for you to see a therapist or a coach who specializes in these areas. These include:

  • Addictions of any kind
  • Sexual disorders and sexual abuse
  • Chronic depression, anxiety, PTSD

Couples Coaching services are perfect for healthy couples who are struggling in the following areas:

  • Trust, infidelity
  • Communication and connection
  • Lack of appreciation and partnership
  • Lack of clarity and understanding

The way I see it, if you want to vent about your problems and the emotions attached from the past, and just feel heard, then a therapist or counselor is the best option.

If you want someone who truly has your back, who can be your guide and mentor, advice, and a new game plan, then my services are the better option. If you are unsure, book a consult with different peoplle to determine which plan and person is right for you.

Generally, I meet with clients virtually over Zoom.  It allows me to work with clients from all over the world.


I also offer an in-person VIP Private Retreat for couples who:

– want faster results and progress and can dedicated 5 days to doing the work together in an intensive structure

-want to incorporate fun, relaxing, and self-care time in a beautiful setting

– Need a vacation away from regular life and to spend intentional quality time together to reconnect (we can meet anywhere in the world!)

-Prefer meeting in person instead of working online virtually


  1. I’m a Certified Life Coach and I have 22 years of experience in the self-development/coach/trainer space. I am a big nerd when it comes to the study of human potential, neuroscience, and spiritual enlightenment that brings forth a natural feeling of freedom, love, gratitude, and acceptance for all of life.
  2. I am Certified in Energetic Healing with the ability to re-program and re-balance the brain using our subconscious mind.
  3. I have also trained as an Inner Child Healer, and am working on being trained as a Hypnotherapist. 
  4. From personal experience, I know the courage and work it takes to transform every area of life such as money, self-worth, building a legacy, leadership, and family, in order to have more happiness, joy, love, and purpose in life. Now, I help people achieve the same.
  5. I am happily married for 18 years to my best friend and our marriage is my greatest achievement and blessing. I use real-life proven strategies to gain the desired outcome for my clients.
  6. I know what it’s like to go through a painful divorce and how to miraculously come out of it intact, with powerful, peaceful, and mutual respect, and so I have deep compassion for what people go through and can expertly guide people through those dark spaces.
  7. I’ve personally experienced infidelity in my own family and past relationships and have seen the amazing power of acceptance, forgiveness, and unconditional love. I find it so fulfilling to help couples find love again and come out of it even better and stronger than before. Miracles are the norm here.

    For more information, please check out my 5-star Google Reviews and listen to what my clients have to say! 

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