My own “Hero’s Journey” - Part 1: Success and Misery
When I give interviews, I often get asked, “How and why did you become a coach?” so I thought I would share with you all how I got to be where I am. Like many people, my story starts out with me working in a totally different industry. For me, it was Software Sales and ironically enough, a “Relationship Manager”. I had been working with very large HR/Payroll provider when I got contacted by a recruiting agency wanting me to talk to me about a position they were trying to fill.
I had been at the same job for 4 years, which is usually the time I start to get the itch. This new employer was offering to pay me $30k more than my current employer which would have me making more than I ever had before. I was excited. During the interview, they told me they were like a family. I hadn’t worked in a small office in a long time, and preferred working from home, but I thought, “Hey, for an extra $30k, I’ll do it!”
Fast forward, 6 months later, I excitedly run into my boss’s office to let him know that I finally made quota; my first time ever. I was so excited and was fully expecting hi-fives and drinks after work at the Keg across the street. Instead, he spent the next hour telling me all the areas I needed to improve. No drinks or hi-fives. I wondered how long I would last at this company. To make things worse, I was travelling 25% of the time and had to constantly wake up at 3am to catch my 6am flight back East. It was lonely, and for some reason, I would get sick every time I was on a plane.
The travel bug I once had now seemed more like an annoyance and an inconvenience. I wanted to be home with my hubby more than anything. I hated my life because I hated my job. I tried to console myself; trying to convince myself that I should be grateful for this great job that people would kill for.
I decided to approach my boss and give him some insight into how I like to work and how he could empower me to reach my peak potential. I figured if he knew what motivated me, he would be willing to play along, but instead he just replied with, “I’m not going to coddle you.” I knew at that moment that he was never going to be the kind of boss or leader I wanted and needed to be successful. He didn’t even ask me about my weekend, or my dog, or my family. I felt invisible and unappreciated. To make things worse, he would micro-manage me which drove me nuts.
Eventually I had enough. I realized that I didn’t want this life anymore so I quit.
I decided that I didn’t want to do sales anymore. I was so tired of the stupid quotas, all the rules and pressures of being a top performer. I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but I knew this wasn’t it. So I walked into work that day and gave my notice. The funny thing is I don’t even think that he asked me why I wanted to leave, nor did he say a proper goodbye to me on my last day. I didn’t even get the exit interview that I was told to expect. I left that company feeling so worthless, unimportant, and shocked at what had happened.
I knew that the first thing I needed to do was heal my broken heart and to go through the grieving process. I had never been treated like that before. Usually I got rockstar treatment due to my success within those companies so it was a huge shot to the ego to experience all of that.